With the passing of #EuropeDay on May 9th and the slow decline of our pandemic-dependent day structures - at least on this continent - a review of two fascinating projects may provide some input for the near future.
The New European Bauhaus is an open call to start a creative movement for the transformation of our cities and beyond - a transformation of “how we live”. The “Greening” of Paris is a vision, how a city government can take bold steps, when there is the political will to integrate “climate goals” seriously.
Both examples are just some of many, which are being not only discussed, but already initiated and implemented all over Europe by forward thinking decision makers, who feel the pressure from citizens, rightfully worry about their children and grandchildren future on this planet.
So, with some personal excitement, I bring to you the first real issue of the Culture Journal with a somewhat focus on architecture, design and urban planning.
Wigbert Boell
the New European Bauhaus
the “Greening” of Paris
cultural snippets:
7 most endangered Cultural Heritage Sites in Europe
Philanthropy in Europe (by ECF)
the museum of the year
upcoming (selected events)
The “New European Bauhaus” ? - what is it?
The NEB is the idea to revitalize the creative spirit of the original BAUHAUS movement and bring it into the European Green Deal. This is Europe´s commitment to the climate goals of COP21 - the Paris agreement - which means the absolute minimal of necessary goals and steps to save our planet.
“...With the introduction of the New European Bauhaus idea, the EU Commission launched an initiative as a free-thinking part of the “European Green Deal” – which, in the real “BAUHAUS spirit” can become a movement – yet this depends not only on the European government bodies, but much more on the public, the citizens and especially the creative & cultural sector. We “Cultural Creatives” have the role to encourage all stakeholders to participate in discussions and exchanges, to develop ideas and projects, to change details in view of a larger transformation – all in the spirit of a “sustainable future”. … (more…)
… continue reading the whole article, including a small report about the recent (online) New European Bauhaus conference here (on Medium) or here (on my blog).
The “Greening” of Paris
Corona times meant almost no travelling, which stopped me from visiting (family in) Paris. So I was spared the complaints from taxi drivers, who are notoriously desperate in this metropolis, but in the last few years became either fatalistic, ready to quit their job or aggressive against the “crazy ideas of the mayor”.
Streets were narrowed, bike lanes established, throughways at the banks of the river Seine closed, trees were planted and in general it became even more difficult to drive a car in Paris. Has there ever been a time, where it was joyful cruising through the city? (Yes, there has, as I remember from the 90´s…) But clearly, it is gone. No, this city was never built for modern-day traffic. The center of Paris was not made for cars. Similar to Rome, there are too many narrow streets for too many people. A future with bikes, e-scooters and other small e-Vehicles can be envisioned vividly.
Already 2007, Paris started with its “Greening” program. When the current Mayor Anne Hidalgo got elected the first time in 2014, she made it a top priority to let Paris breath again; and she has not stopped since with the transformation of the metropolis, including a very ambitious re-design of the Champs-Élysées and its surrounding places. An impressive vision, creatively presented by the architecture studio “Philippe Chiamberetta Architecte - PCA” (their highly recommended explanation & background stories includes also a history of the boulevard…).
And these plans received the “green light” from the mayors office and shall be implemented latest by 2030.
Cultural Snippets
Well, urban redesign is but only one part of architecture and culture in Europe. We must value our common heritage, in order to build the “better future”. There are many good initiatives and organizations working in the #CulturalHeritage field and doing important work. One of them is Europa Nostra, which - in April - presented their annual "7 most endangered cultural heritage sites in Europe"
From Austria to Spain - all of these buildings, places (and one 130 year old railway !) should be saved. Take a look at the presentation of sites from all over Europe.
Saving Cultural Heritage does cost money - but contrary to common belief, Culture is NOT begging for funds and neither is Culture a stepchild at the table of European budgetary distributions. On the contrary, Culture is a very important part of the GDP of most European countries - a fact, that I will point out in one of the next issues of the CultureJournal…
Funding Culture - what about philanthropy?
The European Cultural Foundation (ECF) rightfully put this topic on the agenda and invites you, me, us to participate in the discussion "Imagine Philanthropy for Europe"
“...Philanthropy with a European purpose is yet to be imagined and resourced. And we know that we cannot do that alone. The Corona shock could become Europe’s moment and the moment for philanthropy to commit to our common ground, Europe.
With this study the European Cultural Foundation and the Allianz Kulturstiftung for Europe would like to invite you to a discussion to imagine European philanthropy for a common future. …"
The European Museum Forum recently announced many interesting winner museums in various categories for 2020 & 2021. The award “European Museum of the Year” awards , which in 2021 went to "one of the largest natural history museums in the world”, the national biodiversity centre of the Netherlands Naturalis
upcoming (selected events from the field)
🎟 May 18 & 19: Paris, France: “Museum Connections”, a conference about “... the challenges facing museums and cultural venues…”, green culture, etc. is postponed to ☝🏼 January 19 & 20, 2022
🎫 June 2-4, Nicosia, Cyprus: (virtual / online) "RISE-IMET - Emerging Technologies and the Digital Transformation of Museums and Heritage Sites"
"The conference is dedicated to the exploration of current practices in the use of emerging and interactive technologies such as augmented, mixed or virtual reality, holographic models, 3D models, artificial intelligence, sensors and gamification in museums and heritage sites.”
🎟 June 3-6, Ebeltoft, Denmark: “Cultural Impact Now! European Conference of Cultural and Creative Spaces”
“Together we will learn about, discuss and evaluate the impact of arts and culture from a critical and holistic perspective – a topic which in the current crisis is taking on a new urgency. “
co-organized by Trans Europe Halles & the European Network of Creative Centers (ENCC)
🎫 September 12-14, Ljubljana, Slovenia & online: ECIS21 - “Future unlocked” - The European Creative Industries Summit 2021 with preparatory online events May 20th & June 23rd
“This year’s ECIS21 (European Creative Industries Summit 2021) conference starts the conversation about the unlocked potentials of the European creative economy. After over one year of lockdown, this year’s European Creative Industries Summit wants to show the bright future of cultural and creative sectors.”
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All the Best, WB.